Le Mont-sur-Lausanne, Switzerland
Actively seeking leadership position in technology

Career Progression at a Glance


Get it done
Build quality in
Problem Solving
Iterative Team Based Development
Focus on Simplicity and Stability


Functionality is an asset. Code is a liability.

— @kcpeppe (perhaps)

Build the solution one level of abstraction higher than the problem.

— me 😃

Context is King.

— Derek Comartin (of CodeOpinion)

Current interests

How can we write code with quality built in from the start?
How can we keep enterprise-level regression tests tractable?
SDLC Process improvements
When is tech-debt appropriate?
What is the role of architecture in an agile environment?
How to keep software simple?

Notable Accomplishments

2022 Corporate Innovathon 1st prize (watch)
24 hour internal hackathon like initiative.
Initiator pulling together a socially and professionally diverse team around an idea.
Flexibly orchestrate the various microservices exposed capabilities on the fly using BPMN 2.0 (Camunda).
Use low-code/no-code to offer innovative products tailored to particular customers needs.
"One Click Deployment" of SOA solution involving 10+ services.
Reduced new application dev/test stacks set-up time from several days to less than an hour.
Saved million+ dollars in wasted developer time.
Improved developer agility.
Enabled automated CI regression tests for all our stacks.
Reactive State Model in AngularJS SPA
Pub/sub solution to optimally fetch data from backend.
Huge improvement over previous handwritten dependency management solution.
Fetch only once and only when actually needed.
Web testing framework
Devised simple Domain Specific Language in Ruby to specify test scenarios and test cases.
SONET telecommunication network equipment modeling
Meta-data abstraction to model network element capabilities, limitations, and operational characteristics.
Shortest path algorithm to optimally configure/setup the connected network elements.
Failure detection and sub-second path re-routing.
DWDM power span control
Invented power leveling token passing feedback algorithm.
Significantly increases reach of the optical network.
Twice selected to represent SIUC at regional ACM programming contest

Recent reads worth sharing

Jon Smart: Sooner Safer Happier
Software Engineering Radio podcast
John Ousterhout: A Philosophy of Software Design
Software Engineering Radio podcast
Juval Löwy: Righting Software
Software Engineering Radio podcast

Please feel free to reach out to me